The successful integration and adoption of AI, often in combination with other innovative technologies in the health, energy, food, and agricultural sectors, can play an essential role in helping countries in Sub-Saharan Africa to achieve their development goals. However, there are critical gaps that inhibit this aspiration including a skills gap in digitalization services, and weaknesses in undergraduate and postgraduate programs at technical universities seeking to develop the needed skills.

The Responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI) Lab (RAIL) is hosted at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in Ghana. RAIL seeks to be a first step in establishing a sustainable approach to nurturing local talent to engage in multidisciplinary, responsible AI for development research and innovation with a focus on women and that that responds to capacity requirements of the public and private sector. More specifically, the lab seeks to:

  • deepen our understanding of how to develop and apply responsible AI tools for the advancement of computer, biomedical, agricultural, and ecological sciences;
  • strengthen the national and international collaboration of public universities with the private sector; and
  • strengthen capacities in the responsible utilization of AI in support of the most vulnerable communities in Ghana, Senegal, and the sub-region.

RAIL is currently a part of the four-year AI4D Africa partnership between the Swedish International Development Agency and IDRC to support policy, innovations and expanded leadership that will spur responsible AI development in Africa. The mission of the program is to improve the quality of life for all in Africa and beyond by partnering with Africa’s science and policy communities to leverage AI through high-quality research, responsible innovation, and strengthening talent. The Lab is also supported by GIZ, through its FAIR Forward initiative.


Prof. Kponyo current pic

Prof. Jerry John Kponyo

PI & Scientific Director
Dr. Henry

Dr. Henry Nunoo-Mensah

AI in Health Thematic Lead

Dr. Eric Tutu Tchao

AI in Agriculture Thematic Lead
Dr. Selasi

Andrew Selasi Agbemenu

Project Engineer

Mr. Abraham Yenu Lambon

Procurement Lead and Accountant

Gifty Antoinette Hukpati

Communications Officer
Gender, Monitoring and Evaluation

Dr. Eunice Akyereko

Women in Technology Thematic Lead
Dr. Rita Udor

Dr. Rita Udor

Gender Evaluation

Ana Androsik

Monitoring and Evaluation Lead

Eddie Doku

Evaluation Expert
RAIL Interns