I am thrilled as Scientific Director of the Responsible Artificial Intelligence Lab (RAIL), to welcome you to the official Lab website. This website has been developed in the hope that it will become for staff, parents, students, and site visitors, a valuable source of the Lab’s news and timely information. It is to enable everyone to become familiar with our Lab, its aim and vision, as well as to provide you with updated news, announcements and events. The Responsible Artificial Intelligence Lab (RAIL) is under the Artificial Intelligence for Development in Africa (AI4D) Multidisciplinary Labs project initiated by International Development Research Centre (IDRC). RAIL has been envisioned as a Maker Space that would develop talent in Data Science and Machine Learning to help bridge the widening skills gap needed to champion the Digital Economic Transformation agenda of Ghana and the Subregion.
The activities in this Lab are specifically set to promote the digitalization of products, processes, and services via innovative toolbox development for Renewable Energies, Health, Agriculture, Climate Change use cases in close collaboration with local small and medium-scaled enterprises (SMEs) and governmental bodies.
It is hoped that RAIL will address the skills gap in AI within the subregion by training professionals on practical use of AI to respond to challenges in various sectors within the subregion and beyond. Like the mustard seed, we have started small but the potential the lab offers is enormous.
Welcome once again.

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The Openness Hallmark of RAIL