
Refinement of FACET Framework

The purpose of this project is to collaboratively use the framework developed in Phase One to assess the Responsible AI score of innovations created at RAIL and other AI4D labs. This evaluation will serve as a foundation for refining the framework and promoting its widespread adoption. Additionally, the framework will guide the development of new use cases and future research initiatives within the lab. The overall goal is to ensure responsible AI practices while fostering innovation and research.

This will be a collaborative effort among the labs to use the developed framework in Phase One to evaluate the Responsible AI score of innovations developed at RAIL and the other AI4D labs. The evaluation exercise will be the basis for the framework improvement and widescale adoption. The framework will also guide the development of new use cases and new research and development activities in the lab.


Prof. Jerry John Kponyo

Prof. Jerry John Kponyo

Principal Investigator and Scientific Director
Musah Ibrahim Ali

Musah Ibrahim Ali

Software Developer
frederica efia birago owusu

Frederica Efia Birago Owusu

Research Assistant
dickson marfo fosu

Dickson Marfo Fosu

Research Assistant