

This project aims to develop an affordable AI-powered wheelchair that enhances the mobility of individuals with cognitive limitations. It will provide a user-friendly experience by enabling interaction in the user’s preferred language and incorporating real-time sensors for obstacle detection and safety. The goal is to create an inclusive, self-driving wheelchair that reduces reliance on manual effort and offers a cost-effective alternative to expensive electric wheelchairs.

This theme also seeks to simplify the lives of individuals lacking cognitive abilities for independent movement. Reliance on constant support can be burdensome, prompting the development of an AI-POWERED solution tailored for such users. Manual wheelchairs, while affordable and portable, can lead to fatigue and muscle strain due to physical demands. Electric wheelchairs offer reduced physical effort but are expensive and operationally complex. RAIL under this theme will develop an AI-powered wheelchair which is cheaper and communicates with the user in his preferred language. This innovative solution enables interaction with a self-driving wheelchair and the environment while incorporating real-time sensors for obstacle detection and avoidance, ensuring user safety and system security. The project aims to create a cost-efficient and inclusive solution for those often overlooked in technological advancements.


dr justice owusu agyemang

Dr. Justice Owusu Agyemang

Assistive Technologies Lead
gloria graham adumaba

Gloria Edumaba Graham

Research Assistant

Hasky Egyeri Fynn

dickson marfo fosu

Dickson Marfo Fosu

Research Assistant