Benjamin Kommey, Elvis Tamakloe, Jerry John Kponyo, Eric Tutu Tchao, Andrew Selasi Agbemenu, Henry Nunoo-Mensah Energy profligacy and appliance degradation are the apex reasons accounting for the continuous rise in power wastage and high energy …
Julius Adinkrah ab, Francis Kemausuor ac, Eric Tutu Tchao ab, Henry Nunoo-Mensah ab, Andrew Selasi Agbemenu ab, Akwasi Adu-Poku c, Jerry John Kponyo ad Access to electricity is a cornerstone for sustainable development and is pivotal to a country’s progress. The absence of electricity impedes development and elevates poverty. The …
Kponyo, J.J., Fosu, D.M., Owusu, F.E.B., Ali, M.I. and Ahiamadzor, M.M., 2024. Techno-neocolonialism: an emerging risk in the artificial intelligence revolution. Trayectorias Humanas Trascontinentales, (18). Rapid advancements in artificial intelligence …
Elton Gyabeng modestus, Andrews Tang, Andrews Selasi Agbemenu, Prince Odame, Eric Tutu Tchao, Jerry John Kponyo In Africa, rapid population growth and a focus on increasing food production have often …
Kommey Benjamin, Tamakloe Elvis Kponyo Jerry Eric Tutu Tchao Agbemenu Andrew Energy profligacy and appliance degradation are the apex reasons accounting for the continuous rise in power wastage and high …
Authors: 1. E. T. Tchao, E. M. Gyabeng, A. Tang, J. B. Nana Benyin, E. Keelson, J. J. Kponyo Concerns about food safety have grown across society in recent years. Building …